Call or text 501-960-4164 with questions or to schedule a session
Available by appointment only
Hi, I'm Shelley, and I'm so grateful to be able to share my passion of helping animals and the people who love them!
Are you looking for stress relief, relaxation, and healing for your animal friends and maybe yourself? You've definitely come to the right place.
I offer Reiki sessions for your animals in the comfort of their home in the Little Rock area, and distant sessions worldwide.
I'm a Reiki 3, Master Level Teacher/Practitioner in Usui Reiki and in the Let Animals Lead Method® of Animal Reiki created by Kathleen Prasad.
I love working with all animals, large and small. My level 3 Animal Reiki training consisted of 3 days at CARE Foundation Exotic Animal Rescue & Wildlife Education Facility in Florida so I've been blessed to work with many different animals.
In-person sessions are conducted in your home. We start with a guided meditation and/or chair session to help you and your animal relax, inviting your animal to join us in the energetic healing space however they choose. During the session, they are free to roam around as they please, sharing the energy on their terms. I leave it up to the animals to initiate physical touch it they want. It's not necessary and is sometimes too intense for certain animals/situations.
During a distant session, you and your animal are in the comfort of your home while I share healing energy remotely from my location. We communicate before and after the session.
Since Reiki is pure energy, it knows no bounds, and is unaffected by distance.
The only thing I ask is that your animal companion be able to relax for the duration of the session. This is for their benefit, to get the most from their session. You are always welcome(and encouraged) to join the session and receive the benefits for yourself as well.
Animals are energetic sponges. Without meaning to, we share our anxiety, worry, distress, and all manner of energies with them. They take on these energies, and much like us, they can become sick or anxious.
Healing yourself benefits you AND your animals!
I love to include you in their sessions. There's never any extra charge and you both reap the benefits!
Reiki is gentle and non-invasive, yet powerful, and works safely with other forms of healing.
"I still have a hard time writing about the loss of my sweet sarge, but I have to share with everyone that, reiki helps. I can't explain it, but I know it helped my old dog and myself through his transition over the rainbow bridge. Shelley was wonderful to my pup and he was comfortable with her, even gave her kisses and he never does that! I know that she has a gift and I'm so thankful that we got to witness it"
-N Diaz-Gooch
"My first session with Shelley, he comes up to her and lays his head in her lap...it took him a year to lay next to me and as so said before, anyone trying to pet him or show love is a huge challenge. Coworkers come up to him now and pet him and he welcomes their love. He really seems more relaxed and is starting to learn to “dog”. They’re actually quite amazed at his sudden change.
My Daisy is always in work mode and has a hard time relaxing and I saw so much progress with her working with Shelley one-on-one. It takes a special person to work with a gal like Daisy- our codependency on one another and how in tune she is with my anxiety and mental health issues has made her an overworked therapy dog. Shelley worked with Daisy’s chaotic personality and seemed to calm and relax her quicker than I’ve seen anyone or anything relax Daisy."
-N Shelton
"You all know that my Maybadeen is, well, "special." She's had some serious challenges with anxiety. I am horrified to say that she has bitten people. She gets so worked up when I take her to the vet, she has seizures. We've tried Prozac. We had some success with it, but it seems to have leveled off and I do not want to keep increasing the dosage. Last straw came right before Thanksgiving when she was really ugly to my mother.
Enter Shelley. I cannot explain to you how this works, only that it DOES. The change in Maybadeen is remarkable. I'm not gonna say that she has turned into the most laid back creature on the planet (she still loses her shizz when the UPS man bangs on the door,) but y'all, I had 12 women at my house on Tuesday and she did FINE. That is pretty much a miracle.
If you have a fur baby with anxiety, please reach out to Shelley. I promise it will be worth your time!"
-C Minor
Translated, Reiki (pronounced ray'-key), means means "Spirit Energy", and is often referred to as "Universal Life Force Energy".
When our life energy is high, we feel strong and vibrant, but when it is low, we feel weak and tired and we're more susceptible to illness. We all have this energy, this light within us. Reiki sessions help us reconnect with our inner light.
Let Animals Lead Reiki Practitioners create a meditative space of peace and healing for animals, reminding them of their true nature, of their perfect inner light that never dims, no matter the what outer circumstances may look like.
Animal Reiki creates a deeper connection with animals. During a session with your animal, I create a peaceful space through meditation, and invite them to join me in the space. I don't do anything "to" them, but rather offer them the choice of sharing a beautiful energetic space of healing and connection.
Everyone can benefit from Reiki, as it goes directly to the origin of an issue, known or unknown. Reiki can do no harm and will not give more than you or your animals are open to receive.
Serious or chronic conditions benefit from one or more sessions weekly, and Reiki has been shown to be very supportive for cancer patients undergoing treatment.
Animals nearing the end of life benefit from short sessions, 10 minutes or so every day for gentle comfort and pain relief. This helps ease the transition for the family as well.
Animals making a transition from shelter life to a new family benefit greatly from the relaxing power of Reiki.
Everyone benefits from regular sessions for supporting energetic balance and health maintenance.
Both in-home and remote sessions are equally effective. The majority of the animal parents who reach out to me have animals who are anxious, worried, or fearful. For this reason, I generally recommend distant sessions.
In the case of a remote session, we will schedule a time that I'll meditate with your animal, ideally when he/she can relax during and after the session.
Benjamin, oh what a special soul! A gentle giant, he was too scared to leave his kennel when he first arrived at the Village. The first day we met, I sat in his kennel and offered him Reiki. In return, he offered me kisses. We were fast friends from then on. He now lives with a man who adores him, and rightfully so!
He won me over the first time we made eye contact.
Buster was worried. He had a limp from an old wound, and this new place was scary. But he just needed a friend to remind him that he was perfect on the inside. He took to Reiki right away, and once his bright shiny spirit started shining through, he got a whole family, complete with 2 little kids all his own!
Luther was an abuse/neglect case. He was hunkered in the back of his cage when we met. But love and Reiki brought out his sweet, brave, shiny self, and Luther hitched a ride up North to a new happy ever after!
30-minutes In-person $60 (LR & NLR area)
45-minute Distant session $55
*Series of 4 $200
30-minute Distant session $30
*Series of 4 $100
20-minute Distant session $20
*Series of 4 $65
A series of 4 treatments is recommended to begin, like a loading dose of medicine.
Copyright © 2018 Kindred Hearts Healing, Reiki - All Rights Reserved.